With wonders which have the world’s highest tides, some of the greatest whale-watching everywhere, as well as the warmest saltwater swimming north of Virginia, New Brunswick may surprise tourists. The state, which borders Québec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and the US State of Maine, has other attractions that will appeal to all interests, interests, and traveling styles. Miles of hiking trails, campgrounds, and exciting sea kayaking waters bring those who like being outdoors; historical homes and whole museum villages appeal to history fans; and the abundant natural wonders are favorites with everybody.
1. Bay of Fundy and Fundy National Park
Lots of the attractions which make New Brunswick so attractive to tourists are directly associated with the Bay of Fundy and its tides. The highest tides in the world, which may measure up to 19 meters (10 fathoms) deep, happen twice per day in this funnel-shaped bay, and over the millennia, these racing waters have carved a coastline marked by dramatic cliffs, sea caves, and fantastic rock formations. As they rise and fall every day, the tides create natural phenomena which have Moncton’s tidal bore and Saint John’s famous Reversing Falls. Along the irregular coast, lighthouses crown the points, and picturesque fishing villages lie snug in its coves. The strong tides also bring an immense quantity of plankton and fish to the bay, which makes it prime feeding waters for whales; as many as 12 species have been found here in the summer.
2. Hopewell Rocks
The Hopewell Rocks look very different at low and high tides. When the tide is in, they look as tree-clad islands, which you can see from a set of platforms connected by stairs. At low tide, they get giant, deeply-eroded sea stacks towering over a rocky shore, and you’ll be able to descend the staircase to the sea floor to walk. Park rangers are here in order to answer questions and to be sure the beach is cleared before the tide comes rushing in. Interpretive signs along with the visitor centre displays explain the creation of those sculptured cliffs and columns. At high tide, the best way to love these stones is to kayak one of them on a guided kayak trip with Baymount Outdoor Adventures.
3. The Fundy Trail Parkway
The Fundy Trail Parkway is a scenic coastal drive that is located northeast of Saint John. It begins near St. Martins, after a bustling shipbuilding community, and proceeds along the shore. It is a slow-paced route, where scenic lookouts and picnic areas provide views of coastal cliffs, isolated beaches, marine wildlife, and a Flowerpot Rock. A 10-kilometer pedestrian and bike trail parallels the driveway, and some of the overlooks have trails to secluded cobble-strewn coves. The interpretive centre at Big Salmon River has an interesting video and shows that fill in the background on the former logging community, and old-fashioned equipment is exhibited at the Heritage Sawmill. Children will like the nearby 84-meter (275-foot) suspension footbridge across Big Salmon River. A road also crosses the river, to scale the steep headland and continue along the clifftops and down to a very long beach.
4. Whale Watching from St. Andrews-by-the-Sea
The Bay of Fundy brings as many as 12 species of whales and other marine creatures, who gather here in the summer to have their young and to feed on the abundant krill and fish brought from the Fundy tides. Minke and Finback wales arrive in the spring, along with Harbour Porpoises, followed by Humpback Whales and White-sided Dolphins in June. By midsummer more specias have returned, including the rare North Atlantic Right Whale. Hence the season runs from June through October, with the highest concentration in August. The odds of seeing not only a whale, but many whales and other wildlife are extremely high here, and on the way to the best sighting waters you will enjoy cruising past lighthouses and islands where sea birds nest.
5. Reversing Falls, Skywalk, and Stonehammer Geopark
The Bay of Fundy has this intense tidal range that sea level is four meters below the river at low tide, but four meters above the river at high tide. The tide rises so quickly and so forcefully that it forces water back into the mouth of the St. John River, causing it to flow backward. As water rushes through the narrow gorge in the head of the harbor, it’s forced over a ridge of rock, creating a waterfall that flows upstream. As the tide recedes 12 hours later, the river resumes its normal stream, pushing water over the ridge to make a drops in the downstream direction.
The best views are in Reversing Falls Bridge, where the river narrows through a deep gorge, and in the new Skywalk Saint John, at the end of the bridge. This rooftop observation platform extends over eight meters past the edge of the cliff over the falls, and glass floor panels at the stainless-steel construction provide a transparent view of the waterfalls, drops, and whirlpools 30 meters beneath. Video and interactive screens explain the falls as well as the geology of the cliffs enclosing them.